This Makes ADHD Worse + Womb Trauma Healing with Anabel Vizcarra | Ep 193
Special Guest Segment:
Womb trauma healing expert Anabel Vizcarra joins the show to talk about physical diseases in the womb with deeper meaning.
Can a disconnect from the womb cause physical disease?
Is there an emotional component to reproductive pain and endometriosis?
What is womb wisdom?
How do lack of boundaries connect with womb disease?
What emotions are stored in the womb?
How to connect the womb and the heart.
How to express nurture AND sexuality simultaneously.
The #1 remedy to begin to heal the womb.
How men can connect more to their sacred feminine.
Knowledge Bomb:
Dr. G goes in on foods / pesticides that cause ADHD like symptoms.
What is ADHD?
How many people have it?
What food like products are associated with ADHD?
What does the science say about these foods?
Do pesticides cause ADHD symptoms?
What foods do we consume to help reduce ADHD?
Guest Bio:
Passionate about the FULL SPECTRUM power available through feminine embodiment, Anabel Vizcarra is a willing guide for courageous woman who are ready to create a Great Shift in both their lives & their ancestral lineage.
She knows that when women summon the courage to go deep into self work, grace will always meet them in their depths, lifting them to equal heights of miracles & fulfillment.